Growth machine

From the Greenville News:

TAYLORS -- Dale A. Burdette, a local developer, is challenging incumbent Jean Dixon for a seat on the Taylors Fire and Sewer District Board of Commissioners in Tuesday's election.

Burdette says outright, if talk of higher taxes scares voters to death, don't vote for him. He feels that the commission hasn't been aggressive enough in seeking new development.

"Obviously, we're going to have to raise taxes," he said.


We need to raise your taxes to provide money to extend sewer lines. The sewer lines will make it possible for me to develop land and sell houses to people moving into the county. Houses that I couldn't sell if we didn't extend the sewer lines. Of course, even apart from the sewer lines, the new residents won't pay enough in taxes to cover the increase in service demands they impose. Covering those costs will require that your taxes be raised further. The other commisioners' reluctance to raise your taxes is costing me money. That is why I'm running for office.

Posted by Chip on November 06, 2005 at 11:37 AM
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