Toasting the demise of the minibottle

Skip Sauer is in celebratory mode:

This removes a constitutional provision passed in 1972 which forced bars to serve liquor from minibottles, i.e. the type most folks find only on airplanes.

Fortunately, the state's minibottle distributor duopoly was not a strong enough interest group to keep the amendment off the ballot. Nor did they have much influence on the vote, though they tried, with lies and gibberish masquerading as campaign commercials.

I'm curious about the politics which got that crazy rule tacked onto the state constitution in the first place. Regardless, here a toast to the minibottle: Good riddance!

The legislature still has to write the new rules, which will give the diminuative decanter duopoly another chance to preserve their ill-gotten gains. Still, with the pasage of the amendment, there is at least some hope.

Posted by Chip on November 04, 2004 at 06:41 AM
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