Two justice systems

Recall Glen Campbell's DWI arrest back in November? He had caused a "minor traffic accident" and left the scene. Of course, he "really wasn't that drunk," merely "over-served."

Right. Anyway, he was sentenced to ten days nights in the Maricopa County Jail. Yes, that Maricopa County Jail. The one where the prisoners stay in tents out in the desert heat. Well, most of them anyway. Not the rhinestone-bedecked prisoners though:

He pleaded guilty in May to extreme DUI and leaving the scene of an accident, then began his jail term on July 1 with his final eight days set up as work-release.

Campbell was allowed to leave the jail, where he had a indoor private cell, during the day to handle business affairs, returning overnight.

"It's been an eye-opener, that's for sure," Campbell said of his time behind bars.

Yes, did you see the way they treat the non-celebrity criminals? Ghastly!

If that's the sentence for "extreme DUI," what do you get for normal run-of-the-mill drunk driving? A weekend at Club Med?

To paraphrase Hemingway (or was it Fitzgerald?), the rich really are different than you and me -- they get better jail cells.

Posted by Chip on July 10, 2004 at 06:08 AM
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