Offending the sensibilities of the sovereign

From an article about Bush's Independence Day speech:

Two Bush opponents, taken out of the crowd in restraints by police, said they were told they couldn't be there because they were wearing shirts that said they opposed the president.

If that's an accurate characterization of why they were removed, that is truly despicable behavior on the part of the government.

Posted by Chip on July 05, 2004 at 06:57 AM
Note: Comments are open for only 10 days after the original post.

The action is despicable but which action is up in doubt. Is it the removal of two members of the loyal opposition for interrupting a Bush love-in or is it two liars who were disruptive and are falsely claiming political persecution? It's tough to tell at this distance but I know enough about street theater to find the second scenario plausible.

The truth is that if they were restrained by police on those grounds, they are due hefty monetary compensation by the city of Charleston, the county of Kanawha, or the state of West Virginia. It would be a no brainer suit and would likely be taken pro bono by any reasonably competent attorney and won quickly.

If there's no suit, the likelihood is that they simply lied.

Posted by: TM Lutas at July 6, 2004 11:13 PM