About this blog

From Dictionary.com:


\Mis"cel*la*ny\, n.; pl. Miscellanies. [L. miscellanea, neut. pl. of. miscellaneus: cf. F. miscellan['e]e, pl. miscellan['e]es. See Miscellaneous.] A mass or mixture of various things; a medley; esp., a collection of compositions on various subjects.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.

Well, there you go. That sums it up.

A little history:

I started blogging in November 2002 and for the first several months focused on Missouri-related politics and public policy. The blog went on hiatus during our move to South Carolina during the summer of 2003. Since then, my blogging has been kind of hit-or-miss as much of my time is devoted to coursework. I'm working on a Ph.D. in Policy Studies at Clemson University.

After the move to S.C., I dropped the Missouri focus and have tried to concentrate on state-level public policy, especially that related to taxes and economic development. But I've blogged on a variety of subjects. From here forward, I'm giving myself permission to blog on any subject I wish.

The old blog used GreyMatter as a blogging platform. It's not as powerful or flexible as other platforms, but it worked really well to get me started. I have since switched to MovableType (just prior to the v3.0 brouhaha) since I needed some of it's features (such as multiple blog capability, categories, and trackback) for another project.

The archives for the old blog are still in place, so if you linked to something the link should still work. If you need to search the old blog for some reason, you can find the old index page here.

Posted by Chip on May 20, 2004 at 05:37 AM
Note: Comments are open for only 10 days after the original post.